Three former Edgewood mayors (Howard Calkins, Bob Stearley, Brad Hill) all agreed that what has been happening to the Town of Edgewood since 2016 is wrong. All three attended the Community Forum in November 2019, speaking with attendees that night as CORE shared with residents the facts and evidence of misdeeds and waste in current town government.
Former mayor Howard Calkins, despite poor health, attended and spoke publicly at the November meeting. He felt so strongly that something needed to be done to stop the illegal activity and waste under the current town administration that in early 2020, prior to his passing, he joined a lawsuit against the current mayor and town. It was Calkins’ last act of service for a town he loved and a community he had served for decades as a private citizen before becoming Edgewood’s second mayor.
Former mayor Brad Hill spoke at the November meeting to share his concerns regarding town activities. Former mayor Bob Stearley attended the meeting and has written letters to the local paper supporting the change to Commission-Manager government to give Edgewood voters rights to protect the town from rogue politicians. Former mayor Stearley speaks out in this video here on current misuse of town funds and the need for Commission-Manager government in Edgewood.