Citizens for an Open and Responsible Edgewood

The Edgewood Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document developed with input from the Edgewood community, staff, and committee volunteers.  The purpose of the comprehensive plan is to steer the town’s development in the direction most-desired by the community.  Efforts are made to consider what the community values, desires, and hopes for its future and to set long- and short-range goals for the town.

The comprehensive plan is intended to guide Edgewood’s governing body and staff in their goal setting, decision making, and actions.  The plan offers direction and a means of accountability toward community priorities and goals.

A comprehensive plan should be revisited every few years to assure it remains current and appropriate to community desires.

READ:   2020 Edgewood Comprehensive Plan

Town Gone Off the Rails!

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About This Site

C.O.R.E. is a group of concerned citizens working to inform residents and restore integrity and fiscal responsibility to Edgewood, NM.

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