Citizens for an Open and Responsible Edgewood

WATCH: “Local Government That Works” 
This 3-min video provides an excellent overview of the Commission-Manager concept. In the video they use the term Council-Manager (interchangeable terminology with Commission-Manager). No different than saying MVD in New Mexico, but other states say DMV.

Key Points to Know:

What is the Commission-Manager form of government used by so many cities, towns, and counties?
The Commission-Manager system was designed to combat corruption and unethical activity in local government by promoting effective management within a transparent, responsive, and accountable structure. About half of U.S. cities and towns with populations of 2,500 residents or more operate under the Commission-Manager form of town management. Studies show that: There is a huge (57%) reduction in corruption in towns with this form of government. Costs are actually reduced due to professional and efficient management

Why For Edgewood? Why Now?
Mayors in small towns have most of the power of government. Mayor Bassett has mis-used this power to spend millions of our tax dollars to build city sewer lines ONTO Bassett private property at our expense and increasing its value for himself. Commission-Manager form of government spreads power evenly amongst our five elected commissioners, eliminating the possibility of a mayor acting for himself with our money.

Bassett is currently trying to use $20 million or more of our tax dollars for a hostile takeover (condemnation) of EPCOR water system which will double or triple our water bills as it has in every other condemnation case! (see for yourself at www.truthfromthetap.com). Commission-Manager government will give us a way to stop this (our current form of government can’t stop him or even undo it after the fact).

Bassett has been using our town as his personal piggy bank, spending our limited tax dollars on Bassett property, legal fees, and building his pet projects while ignoring long-standing citizen priorities of roads and trails. (See Broken Promises)

Will this stop corruption here in Edgewood?
Yes, if we vote FOR Commission-Manager form of government, we the citizens will have the power to veto any more corrupt projects or decisions with new ‘superpowers’ of recall, referendum, and initiative. If the Mayor continues to take over the water system (with our money) or run new water or more sewer lines to his other properties at our expense, we can VETO it, or even recall the him if he persists!

Will I still be able to vote for ALL 5 Commissioners?
Yes, all municipalities (regardless of form of government) whose population is under 10,000 can vote at-large (for all positions). Edgewood has about 6,000 residents, so we can continue to vote at-large for many years. (READ: Attorney VanAmberg’s legal opinion on Districting)

You may wonder why is a Special Election needed?
When Council extended their own terms by nearly two years (in a rushed, questionable vote where other options weren’t discussed/considered) it effectively denied voters the chance to vote them out. A regular election should have already happened. We need to stop this insanity and gain citizens’ rights for control. Citizens should decide what happens with our taxes and our town, not a self-interested, bully mayor.

How can I vote FOR Commission-Manager form of government?
Mail-in ballots will arrive in your mailbox within days. Completely fill in the bubble in front of FOR Commission-Manager form of Government, follow each step of the instructions, and return by mail immediately (or hand deliver to Santa Fe County Clerk’s office). All ballots must arrive in Santa Fe County Clerk’s office before 7:00pm on August 24.

Register to vote or update your voter information online before July 27.

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by voting FOR the Commission Manager form of government on the mail-in ballot. We will still be able to vote for all 5 of our elected leaders in future elections AND we citizens gain the rights to recall and veto any more crazy, expensive boondoggle projects that benefit the mayor at our expense!

Feel free to print and share this informational flyer with family and neighbors.


Mayor-Council – Gives significant power to the mayor, leaving council and voters with practically no remedies if things go awry. This is exactly the situation Edgewood finds itself in with its current Mayor-Council form of government.

Commission-ManagerSignificant voter rights and stability with a professional town manager to handle day-to-day operations. More efficient and significantly reduces corruption. Most notable are the ‘super power’ Voter Rights of recall, referrendum, and initiative. These super powers provide the means for the citizens to cancel any action taken by the commissioners, if the majority of voters do not agree with it. It’s like insurance, you don’t want to have to use it, but you’re really glad you have it if you need it.

READ: Compare Commision-Manager v Mayor-Council

Town Gone Off the Rails!

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C.O.R.E. is a group of concerned citizens working to inform residents and restore integrity and fiscal responsibility to Edgewood, NM.

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