In a convoluted action, Edgewood’s town attorney, without a vote or even a meeting of the town’s governing body, has been directed to defend John Bassett’s undisputed wrong-doing against the town. That direction has either come from Bassett himself or Town Clerk Juan Torres, who serves at the pleasure of the mayor. Yet, it is the taxpayers who will get stuck with the bill and this decision should be up to the governing body.
WATCH: Lawsuit Update
Earlier this month Judge Sanchez-Gagne’s ruled against Bassett and deemed him guilty of malfeasance in office for violating the town’s nepotism ordinance. The judge also ordered the town’s governing body to enforce the town’s own nepotism ordinance which requires the removal of Bassett from office. That removal has not happened. In fact, it appears Bassett is still calling the shots, having insulated himself with people who are actively avoiding their sworn duty to the residents of Edgewood.
Governing body members John Abrams and Linda Holle, who historically vote lock-step with Bassett, are not following the court’s order to enforce the law or requests from the other members, Audrey Jaramillo and Sherry Abraham, for a special meeting to discuss the matter in the open. Town Clerk Torres has said a special meeting will not happen, without providing any explanation. Failure to enforce the town’s ordinances subjects Holle and Abrams to charges of misfeasance, which would require their removal from office as well.
It seems obvious that elected officials should do their job. It seems obvious that wrong-doing against the town should be punished. So, why should Edgewood taxpayer money be spent defending the perpetrator of an undisputed crime against the residents of Edgewood? Why would members of the governing body have more loyalty to the perpetrator of that crime against the town than to the residents’ best interests they are supposed to represent?
CALL TO ACTION: Please contact these governing body members to tell them to stop using our taxpayer dollars to defend Bassett’s indefensible actions and to follow the court order.
Tell them:
1. Follow the law
2. Stop paying for legal defense for Bassett
3. Follow the court order to remove Bassett from office.
4. Failure to enforce town ordinances is misfeasance and subjects Holle and Abrams to removal from office too.
Linda Holle
John Abrams
The people of Edgewood deserve open and responsible government!