Citizens for an Open and Responsible Edgewood

UPDATE – Town misses July 5th deadline:  In May and June, 150 letters from concerned Edgewood residents were sent to the Edgewood Council, NM Secretary of State, and NM Attorney General. A June 23 vote calling for at large voting died for lack of majority (Jaramillo/Abraham FOR; Holle/Abrams AGAINST) a resolution put forth by Councilor Abraham and seconded by Councilor Jaramillo to protect citizens’ right to vote at-large (for ALL FIVE commissioners in the November 2, 2021 Election). Abrams failed to respond to a request for a Special Meeting to try to get a resolution passed before the July 5th deadline. Holle said she was unavailable.

Despite very clear statutes on the issue and the fact this is supposed to be a LOCAL decision, Acting mayor John Abrams has continuously sought an answer from state level departments of government. However, to date, the Secretary of State bounced the decision to the Attorney General, who bounded it back to the Secretary of State. This may mean that Katherine Clark, Santa County Clerk, (who runs the election) will go to court for a determination of state statute. Clark was quoted in the July 3 The Independent newspaper as saying she believed at large is the default (the same viewpoint CORE has shared with all levels of government). So far, only two people have shown the courage to stand up for the people of Edgewood: Councilors Audrey Jaramillo and Sherry Abraham.

MAY 6, 2021:

There is an effort afoot in Edgewood to potentially remove your right to vote for all five (5) Edgewood commissioners (At-large voting). Instead, you would be restricted to one (1) vote in your residential district only. We encourage you to take action ASAP: click here to send an email to the New Mexico Secretary of State (add your name and address, then send as-is or add additional thoughts).

Why is this a problem? In a municipality of less than 10,000 population, like Edgewood, there is no State requirement to limit voting by district, but the current council can impose it. Restricted voting tends to suppress voter turnout, so this kind of a unnecessary manipulation is just one more way to limit the voice of Edgewood residents.

Don’t let your voting rights be limited. Email the Secretary of State ASAP (add your name and address, then send as-is or add additional thoughts). Let the Secretary of State know you want to retain the right to vote At-Large (for all 5 commissioners) not to be limited by single-member districts (1 vote only, limited to your residential area).

CORE (Citizens for an Open & Responsible Edgewood)

Town Gone Off the Rails!

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C.O.R.E. is a group of concerned citizens working to inform residents and restore integrity and fiscal responsibility to Edgewood, NM.

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