EDGEWOOD VOTERS, YOUR ACTIONS KEEP MAKING A DIFFERENCE! More than 80 residents sent emails to NM Secretary of State and Edgewood’s Town Council to unequivocally state our citizens want to keep their right to vote At-Large (for all 5 governing body positions).
Citizens’ action came about when Acting Mayor John Abrams solicited an opinion from the NM Secretary of State seeking to limit Edgewood voters to just 1 vote in their residential area only. The SOS reply supports citizens’ At-Large voting position, restating NMSA 1978, Section 3-14-6(A) which says such a limitation is not required and could only occur at the direction of the town council.
Abrams, hoping to avoid following the law (again), is now in search of a loophole that will allow Holle and him to ignore citizens’ input and suppress voters’ rights to just 1 vote in a voter’s residential district only (instead of voting At-Large which would continue Edgewood’s tradition of voting from all 5 positions serving the town). He has turned to NM Attorney General Hector Balderas seeking a different interpretation of NM statutes or other options that would give Abrams and Holle an excuse to ignore voter desire.
CORE responded by forwarding to the Attorney General information previously sent to the Secretary of State by CORE and Edgewood voters. The response included documentation supporting Edgewood voters’ position, population data, and the email and list of senders who asked the SOS to respect and defend Edgewood voters’ right to vote At-Large.
Abrams and Holle: Quit Looking for Loopholes and Start Respecting Edgewood Citizens and their Rights!