Citizens for an Open and Responsible Edgewood

Broken Promises: CIVILITY

“Welcome input from ALL citizens”

Under Bassett, the town has seen the most restricted public comment policies in Edgewood’s history. He even imposes a countdown clock and cuts speakers off at 3 minutes and for a while would not even allow people to yield their time to another speaker (as is common under Robert’s Rules of Order). Bassett routinely interrupts and calls for adjournment while particular elected councilors are speaking. Bassett routinely berates members of the community who come forward to express their own opinions when they differ from the mayor’s opinions. Read: “Edgewood: Lead By Example” (The Independent, Editorial 12-6-19)

“No more blame game; Zero tolerance for tantrums by members of the governing body.”

No blame game because he doesn’t hold himself or another angry council member accountable for particularly egregious tantrums, yelling, desktop fist pounding, and finger wagging. Read: “Public Speaks Against Treatment Of Councilor” (The Independent, 1-18-2019)

Bassett has used significant time in public meetings to blame others for his mistakes and misjudgments, including a 40 minute ‘song and dance’ slide show presentation. His favorite, however, remains blaming previous administrations.

Town Gone Off the Rails!

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C.O.R.E. is a group of concerned citizens working to inform residents and restore integrity and fiscal responsibility to Edgewood, NM.

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