Citizens for an Open and Responsible Edgewood

February 1, 2020 – Lawsuit Filed Against Mayor and Council to
– Stem the waste of taxpayer funds on projects the community has repeatedly rejected.
– Expose Malfeasance in office by Mayor Bassett (using taxpayer funds for personal gain; violating Town’s Nepotism ordinance)

READ:  complete Lawsuit here; and  News article here

Summary:  On Monday, February 10 2020, Mayor John Bassett was served with a lawsuit initiated by members of CORE which asks the court to remove him from office for violations of State law and Town ordinance.

The lawsuit asserts that Bassett directed the use of Town funds designated for town infrastructure projects to run sewer lines not just adjacent to, but actually onto his family property. It is illegal under New Mexico law and the State Constitution for a pubic official to use pubic funds for personal gain or to benefit disproportionately more than members of the general public.

The lawsuit also asserts that he violated the Edgewood town Nepotism Ordinance by appointing his first cousin Cheryl Huppertz to the Edgewood Planning and Zoning Commission. The suit was filed in Santa Fe County District Court and will be heard by Judge Francis Mathew.

READ: complete lawsuit filing here.

READ: NM Attorney General’s letter on Edgewood violation of Open Meetings Act 

WATCH: the Council Recap of that meeting here for all these topics.


Town Gone Off the Rails!

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C.O.R.E. is a group of concerned citizens working to inform residents and restore integrity and fiscal responsibility to Edgewood, NM.

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