Citizens for an Open and Responsible Edgewood

Motion to Censure Mayor Pro tem John Abrams

(Presented by Commissioner Sherry Abraham at 2/3/2021 commission meeting)

Privileged Motion
Mayor Pro tem, I am going to propose a motion to censure you, which I have a right to do under Robert’s Rules.

Seeing as we do not have an additional temporary leader of this governing body, and in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, it is incumbent upon me as the maker of the motion to serve as chair for purposes of this motion.
Based on actions on your part, I move the following motion to censure commissioner and mayor pro tem John Abrams:

Whereas, he has acted in an unprofessional and intimidating manner repeatedly being obnoxious, rude, and arrogant toward members of this governing body and the public; and

Whereas, his actions and demeanor create a hostile and oppressive environment; and

Whereas, he has repeatedly denied commissioners their right to make motions and debate; refused to entertain points of order and proper appeals; recognized only those who have upheld his views and denied the opposition the right to speak; and

Whereas, he has exceeded the authority of the position he holds on multiple occasions; and

Whereas, he has followed his personal opinion and beliefs rather than this body’s adopted rules of order; and

Whereas, he has sought to hide useful information from this governing body by refusing the floor to an elected member of the governing body; and

Whereas, he has inappropriately and without authority ordered the ejection of an elected member of the governing body, me, from a commission meeting; and

Whereas, he has violated the town’s operating procedures requiring governing body authorization before taking action on the sale of Old Town Hall; and
Whereas, he has unilaterally cancelled regular scheduled meetings of the governing body without prior approval of the governing body; and
Whereas, he has violated the town’s operating procedures and long-standing practice of allowing elected officials to add items to regular governing body meeting agendas; and

Whereas, he has impeded the routine operations and long-standing practices of this council by refusing to allow individual items be removed from the consent agenda for discussion which prohibits any other items being approved unnecessarily; and

Whereas, he has failed to follow the general meeting practices utilized by the Town of Edgewood since its inception that have provided for general Public comment and Commissioner comment periods at all regular meetings of the governing body; and

Whereas, such conduct is highly detrimental to the reputation and operation of the Town of Edgewood; now, therefore, be it resolved, that Mayor pro tem John Abrams is formally censured for these acts.

Town Gone Off the Rails!

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C.O.R.E. is a group of concerned citizens working to inform residents and restore integrity and fiscal responsibility to Edgewood, NM.

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